>AMR Centre
https://www.amrcentre.com Listen to PODCAST:
Established in 2016, the centre is a key part of the UK’s response to the global threat from Antimicrobial Resistance. Based at Alderley Park, the Centre is a joint private-public initiative to support/accelerate the development of new antibiotics and diagnostics through a fully integrated development capability, offering translational R&D from pre-clinical hits through to clinical proof of concept.
>The National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)
It is a digital library currently hosted by University College London (UCL). It brings together the best available online evidence-based, quality-tagged resources on infection prevention and control. Aimed at medical professionals and trainees who require up-to-date evidence-based information in the infectious disease domain.
>Bristol AMR
An interdisciplinary antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research network at the University of Bristol.
>Infection Prevention Society (IPS)
IPS informs, promotes and sustains expert infection prevention policy and practice in the pursuit of patient or service user and staff safety wherever care is delivered. Its vision is that no person is harmed by a preventable infection.
>Healthcare Infection Society (HIS)
It exists to foster the advancement of knowledge and education of all those who have an interest in the important field of healthcare infection by creating and disseminating a body of scientific knowledge about the prevention and control of hospital and other healthcare associated infections.
>National HCAI Research Network
Hosted by Thames Valley University the Network contributes to the strategic development of the UK’s national HCAI research agenda and support Department of Health (DH) HCAI related research. It is funded by DH.
> Service User Research Forum (SURF)
Website: http://www.hcaisurf.org/
The National HCAI Research Network also hosts and co-ordinates the DH's antimicrobial resistance and healthcare associated infection). SURF provides a forum for members of the public to find out more about HCAI research and supports their involvement by ensuring they are able to make a valid and meaningful contribution to the research process.
>Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)
The Royal Society for Public Health is an independent, multidisciplinary charity organisation, dedicated to the promotion and protection of collective human health and wellbeing.
>The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC)
The Society exists to facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in the field of antimicrobial chemotherapy. Royal Society for Public Health is an independent, multidisciplinary charity organisation, dedicated to the promotion and protection of collective human health and wellbeing. Collaborating nationally and internationally, it leads national programmes of surveillance and susceptibility testing to determine the effectiveness of antimicrobial and chemotherapeutic agents. It publishes the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
>The Infectious Disease Research Network (IDRN)
The Infectious Disease Research Network (IDRN) has been in operation since 2001, with an overall aim to promote multidisciplinary collaborations and increase the capacity of multidisciplinary translational research in the UK. The Network has achieved this by utilizing several different forms of activity, including the running of research strategy workshop. It aims to promote such collaborations, provide multidisciplinary training opportunities, and act as a forum for encouraging high quality infectious disease research.
>Centre of Infection Prevention and Management (CIPM)
Antibiotic Action is a UK-based initiative that works to raise global awareness about antibiotic resistance, and is funded by the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, a UK registered charity.
>Antibiotic Research UK (ANTRUK)
Antibiotic Research UK (acronym ANTRUK) is a national charity dedicated to finding new antibiotics against resistant bacteria. It aims to raise money primarily in the UK and is seeking support from Foundations, Trusts, Industry and the general public. The Charity is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and is able to act as a not for profit company.
>Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics
The Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics was formed in 2011 by the Soil Association, Sustain and Compassion in World Farming. They had been researching and campaigning against the overuse of antibiotics for farm animals for many years - aiming to reduce the potential impact on human health.