NAPS: Global Collaboration

>Monitoring Global Progress on Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance: Report

20 Nov 2017
Healthy animals, just like healthy people, do not need antimicrobials. Changes in agricultural practices are key to reducing the risk of antimicrobial resistance. 
Monitoring global progress on addressing antimicrobial resistance: analysis report of the second round of results of AMR country self-assessment survey 2018
This report provides an analysis of countries’ responses to the second wave of the tripartite survey and describe the current level of global progress on AMR.

>Leading scientist urges UK and EU action plans to 'lose jargon'
10 Nov 2017 - One of the UK's leading microbiologists is concerned that confusing language and a ... are hampering the global fight against antibiotic-resistant infections. ... The plan highlighted seven strategic objectives as guidance to national ... 'Implementing WHO, EU and UK AMR strategies and action plans

>Sustaining global action on antimicrobial resistance - Wellcome & UN Foundation
21 Sep 2017 - Producing this pamphlet and distributing it at the 21 September 2017 UNGA AMR side event is just one of the ways Wellcome and the UN Foundation are supporting the IACG.  The World Health Assembly has reported there has been good progress on developing National Action Plans (NAPs).

>Monitoring and Evaluation of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR):
Regional Expert Consultation on Monitoring and Evaluation of AMR Interventions.   January 2017.
The Regional Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance for the Americas was adopted by the Pan American Organization’s (PAHO) 55th Directing Council in September 2016. The Plan is aligned with the global process initiated by the governing bodies of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the Organization of Animal Health (OIE). Following the 68th World Health Assembly of the WHO (WHA), Member States agreed to develop national plans of action on resistance to antimicrobials (AMR) consistent with the Global Action Plan (GAP), and to implement pertinent policies and plans to prevent, control, and monitor AMR.